3 steps: How to effectively use job fairs in finding a job?
Article #2: 3 steps - How to effectively use job fairs in finding a job?

You shouldn't think that fairs of vacancies are waste of time! Vice versa, it is unique opportunity to find new acquaintances and to move upstairs to "career growth".
First, it is direct communication with personnel managers working on the stands of the companies-participants. In personal conversation with them you can receive answers to the questions which you are interested in. But the most valuable thing is communication with the personnel manager. It may actually be your start interview in this company. Now imagine that in fairs participate as a rule from ten to seventy companies. Thus, in a day you meet on the "mini interview" representatives of companies which are interesting to you. This is really unique opportunity!
Secondly, it may be also long lasting way of job search, and therefore it can be called strategic. Many companies participate in trade fairs not only to purpose of closing the hot vacancies, but also solve the problem of formation a database of personnel reserve of the organization. Very often, offers on work start arriving long after the fair, when in the company there are new free positions, and the staff of department makes use of the previously generated database.
Thirdly, it is a great possibility of studying of the labor-market "in practice", not "in theory". Usually such fairs offer the companies of different spheres of activity. Analyzing their propositions, you form the notion of the different groups of the market, confer your salary waiting with real proposals; learn about open vacancies, and also about specialized programs recruiting young professionals, probations, practice. Also, at such fairs are usually held seminars concerning of employment, trainings or business practices from various companies. This is an excellent opportunity to increase the level of your knowledge of a labor market. And it would give you feeling of more confidence in job hunting.
What advice can we give to a gathering at a job fair?
Be prepared for fair in advance: look through a site at the list of the companies which are going to participate in the activity. Print sufficient copies of the resume (CV). Prepare special resumes for the companies you are interested especially; for the rest make the general plan. Refine fair program and arrange your priorities; very often informative seminars are simultaneous with demonstrations. Also, there are lots of trainings where preliminary record is conducted.
During the fair:
Listen to presentations. You can learn about the firms' activity suddenly a lot. Also you will get the opportunity, communicating personally with the representative of the company, to use precious time for specification of important details, instead of obtaining the common information.
Get the contact information for feedback at managers who you successfully communicated with. Hereafter it will allow you a call to the company.
Try to notice not only the companies suitable you on activity profile. If companies have arrived to job fair, especially it concerns specialized fairs; they have open vacancies for experts of different profiles. And for many employers the basic education of candidate at all isn't fundamentally. And it concerns not only the organizations offering temporary work, but also the companies planning career growth of the employees. Such companies make the stake first of all on personal applicants' qualities and their potential.
Also, try to visit to the college and university job fairs; they often are specialized depending on the "type" of the institute of higher education. And also most often they are open for students and graduates of other educational institutions.
How to find out where and when job fairs take place?
As a rule, organizers of fairs declare the event about a month before the event. Information appears in newspapers, others periodical and on websites of employment. Approximately two or three weeks before appear informational posters and invitation cards in universities. Be energetic and attentive! So you will not miss significant facts which are really important to you!
Author: Job-less.info - Find the right job for you
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