4 Advice: How to get rid of chronic fatigue at work
Article #13: 4 Advice: How to get rid of chronic fatigue at work

The only thing you care about is how to sit out the fixed eight hours. Your favorite job ceased to bring pleasure. Probably, it is so-called "a burning out syndrome".
The result is obvious.
Undoubtedly, constant works involving all hands, the administration demanding impossible achievements, and eternal overloads are major causes of a stress. Add to these facts the permanent conflicts with colleagues, lack of prospects and presence of difficult client, and you are exactly on the way to "burning out" at work. Negativity is accumulated, so there is no opportunity to abate a nervous tension.
To prevent this, it is necessary to recognize the syndrome at an early stage. There are several common symptoms of fatigue. If you find it hard to focus on any one thing for more than five minutes, it's hard to wake up in the morning, reflection in a mirror upsets you, and labor productivity decreased - most likely that you overworked.
To avoid fatigue, learn how to distribute working hours correctly. Primarily, perform the most important things, and only then proceed to secondary duties. Don't forget about a lunch break. Food and fresh air is necessary for your organism for productive work. Besides, even for a half-hour break you will be able to distract from work and to have a rest a bit. Make the workplace the most convenient. Souvenirs, flowers and, of course, photos of children, friends and relatives can cheer you up. Therefore, having decorated the table with a merry frame with the image of the loved one, you will improve your mood. Don't waste weekend. Get such pleasure that is only possible - relax with friends, have fun or go shopping. In a word, do everything that will really allow you to relax and enjoy the days off.
In search of a cure.
If nevertheless you "reached a limit", begin with active self-treatment. The best medicine in this case is a vacation. Any option is good, the key condition is that it has to be longer than a week. Also be not afraid to tell the management that you really need a rest. "If the administration appreciates you, they will always make concessions" - explains Diana Voloshko, development manager of personnel UBG Corporation.
In most cases, fatigue occurs in the course of work on the same project. Perhaps, the time has come to work over something new. If you are engaged in sales, try to participate in marketing or process of development of the new line of a product. Try to find hobby besides work - register in driving school, play sports or take dance lessons.
You need relaxation and deliverance all negativity together with it. Go to boxing or a snowboarding. "In fight against "a burning out" syndrome all means are good. Even if you go at night to paint the fence, it will also be all right! For example, personally my method is the beauty salons" - says Diana Stepura coach socio-psychological center Consciousness. And also don`t forget about friends and family members who will always help you in difficult times.
The risk group.
The most susceptible of "burning out" syndrome at work are:
those who by the nature of activity are obliged to communicate a lot with people (clients or partners); people who "can't be everywhere at once" and always have to choose between work and a family (top managers, heads of the companies etc.); those whose activity is unstable and connected with development of projects that force the person to be arranged constantly under the "floating schedule";- creative specialists, whose potential periodically exhausted;
- housewives who are continuously performing the same routine work.
Author: Job-less.info - Find the right job for you
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