7 important rules for compiling business letters
Article #1: 7 important rules for compiling business letters

Seven rules which will help to write business letters correctly, accurately and laconically.
At all times the ability to write letters correctly has considered a great skill. Rather often successfully made proposition to potential partners brings quite good profit. Here are several simple rules.
The address. Find out as much information as possible about the superior of the company to which you intend to write. Experience shows that usually it is more pleasant to the recipient when address to it personally. In this case write "Dr, Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms White"; "Ms" is necessary used, when you don't know is woman married or not. If you didn't manage to inquire his or her name, use "Dear Sir or Madam". In the case that your business relationship is already quite free, you may use "Dear Peter" or simply "Hi".
In case you are not sure how to be an official appeal, use the more formal expression.
The title. The letter should include a heading in a brief and catchy form, opening its contents. It can help to attract attention to your message in the mass of similar letters, coming to any serious company. Short annotation will be quite useful in case when the business letter is not immediately interested in the potential client. Often some time passes and the manager tells secretary: "Remember, we received an interesting proposal in October? I don't remember where. In general, get it". The heading of the letter has to contain such information which will simplify its search.
The compliments. The good impression will be keep by the letter which after a greeting will contain the introduction-compliment. You should possibly write that you are glad to welcome "so known firm", what honor for you will render services to "so solid partner" etc. You may also express hope for long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation.
Don't use "milk and water" in your writing. Avoid excessive politeness: "Be so kind as to read our letter, please"; and meaningless adjectives such as: outstanding, amazing, magnificent, etc. Won't help you and the plenty of unnecessary pronouns: "we are delighted to welcome you favorable to you.."
Letters written in such style look less convincing and competent. Remember that the text contains a lot of "milk and water", empty and useless expressions, gives the impression that the author has a low social status and isn't qualified enough.
Don't order. Don't use directive phrases and instructions such as "if you were interested by the offer, you should call us". First, so you suggest to recipients an idea that your offer can be no interested in. Secondly, you arrogantly direct the potential partners in what way they should behave. It is better to write: "For discussion of details of our offer you may contact us by phone ". Meaning is the same but the tone is less categorical and it makes attitude toward you more positive.
Use "necessary" verbs. Try to use verbs of perfect forms in your writing. For example: have completed, have developed, have increased (created, provided, made, etc.). Generally, verbs of indefinite form: make, operate, perform, etc., provide an idea of the functionality rather than of results and development. "Perfect verbs" create the illusion of concrete progress in the performance of any activity. So, it will make impression of bigger solidity and respectability of your firm.
Don't forget about the set form. Surely write on the letterhead of your company. It will emphasize that behind it there is a solid firm, so, it is possible and even necessary to deal with you. If there are the questions of financial relationship in the letter, specify the current account and the name of your bank. You also should give the notes to licenses and certificates; of course, if your business assumes their presence.
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