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7 myths that hinder career

Article #15: 7 myths that hinder career

7 myths that hinder career

We all dream of the best job and a prosperous career. And sometimes hinder our desires the settled stereotypes which don't allow moving into the right direction.

There are myths which hamper the achievement of the professional purposes. We unconditionally trust these statements and rarely do otherwise. Here we have collected 7 main myths that relate to the professional activity so as to debunk them.

No career without education.

Of course, without the corresponding education you won't become the surgeon or the prosecutor but in order that achieve success in various spheres the good diploma isn't an indispensable condition. You can become the successful designer, the advertiser, the PR manager, the programmer or the journalist relying only on the skills and experience. To start would be enough good persistence, desire and the correct literature.

You can always start with a "lower floors" and without experience, so it isn't real problem. If you desire to become a TV presenter - start with the post of secretary. Learn the company's operations from the inside; try to realize where and how you can prove yourself. It is not the easiest but quite feasible way. In addition, many companies decided to raise the existing employees who has already introduced with the internal structure of the organization than to attract people from outside.

Long resume is respectable.

For most of employers competently ordered, laconic and accurate summary which can answer all necessary questions - is quite enough. There is no need to describe in details all your former jobs, courses and hobbies. Tell only about the last and most significant place of employment while additional education and hobbies have to correspond to your specialization. Really important is the opportunity to pick out the main thing and to express correctly your thoughts, but not a six-page composition.

By the age of 30 it's necessary to be defined in everything.

You shouldn't give up the dream if you're over 30. Many people cardinally changed the activity and at later age, it didn't prevent them to achieve success. Surely, you are unlikely become a spaceman, but there exist many other spheres of activity in which you can succeed. Therefore you shouldn't regret the lost opportunities in advance.

An overtime working helps career.

Sometimes it is so, but your management can also decide that you are too sluggish and incompetent to do everything in time. Besides you can face overwork and stress which can negatively affect your efficiency. There are different work situations, but it shouldn't become your rule.

Overemployment speaks about diligence.

Certainly you shouldn't idle at work, but also to be extremely busy isn't recommended. Do not affirm that you are really busy and cannot help anyone. To be constantly inaccessible is even dangerous to career. You have to try to be always ready to listen to the colleagues and whenever possible to put some their tasks in your demanding schedule.

Criticism is a danger to career.

The lack of criticism of your activities doesn't mean that the management is completely satisfied with you. And vice versa criticism does not prove that you are in disfavor and you aren't appreciated. Therefore, in such situations you shouldn't give up, lose concentration and motivation.

It is necessary to keep ambitions in secret.

Do you dream to become the head of department, and in future - of the whole branch? You shouldn't conceal it, and if something happens - to make excuses. Practically always the companies are interested in ambitious employees because they will try to carry out better their duties, as it is possible; and to strive or result which will be preferable both to them and to the company. So your clear position helps the management to understand who is interested in new duties, and who are going to carry them out.

Author: - Find the right job for you
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