Delicate side of employment
Article #5: Delicate side of employment

It seemed that the interview was passing as it should: fine results of dough, the recruiter was approvingly nodding all time. But that is all. On fields of your resume there is a mark "unpresentable", and near it is the big sign of "minus".
Really the external data, taking last place in the list of informal requirements, can play so significant role? How strong is, not always obvious to the applicant, dependence between appearance and work? And what actually employers try to tell, using in the announcement of vacancies habitual templates - "attractive appearance", "the European type"?
Natalie Howes, Recruitment Consultant of "The American Connection", explains:
"Much depends on the place to be occupied by a person in the company. First of all, presentable appearance is important for employees who represent the company to external clients. There are positions of secretaries, as well as PR-managers or sales managers. For the staff of back-office it doesn't play a special role.
In addition, the appearance of employees is an element of corporate culture: some companies prefer people of European type, others want to see a bright American type; but somewhere it doesn't attach significance. The most important thing is the new person should become a part of the one team of the company."
Sara Jimenez, HR-manager of "Media Arts Group" tells:
"The desire to choose the candidate corresponding to their own ideas about "good" employee has always existed.
For example, a person with "a presentable appearance" who from the very beginning inspires trust, respect, sympathy and so forth. Working in advertising and not a modeling agency, at staff recruitment we practically shouldn't be guided by similar requirements. We are more interested in professionalism, experience and desire candidates to work in our company. Perhaps these requirements can nominate candidates for the position of personal assistant to the top officials of the companies; but still, even in these cases, we will primarily be interested in the "professional side" of the applicant. "
The chief of department of work with the personnel "British American Tobacco":
"At staff recruitment we are guided by the principles of ethics and professionalism, therefore for us appearance doesn't play a role. The process of selection is based only on an estimation of management potential and professional skills which are dominant for a concrete appointment. One of our corporate principles sounds like: "Strength is in Variety". It implies that we value individuality and are open to very different types of people. We believe that a team of people with diverse backgrounds and personal characteristics is one of the strengths of our company. For us it is important only one thing that the person looked neatly. We consider that it is an element of professional approach and respect for the employer. Moreover, in our company free clothes style is allowed. The exception is made by only those employees who communicate with external audiences, and that only those days when pass business meetings".
Considering all aforesaid, we can draw the following conclusions:
On the first interview before the recruiter there is very difficult task. He has to estimate the candidate in a short time most objectively. And appearance, though is a minor factor, can play a decisive role. When a person does not make an effort to look good for an interview, quite logical conclusions arise: it is or lack of interest to work in the companies, or elementary disrespect for the interlocutor, or absence of desire to be pleasant to people around.
Going on interview, don't miss a single detail. After all, the person for whom career is really serious takes into account all nuances that contribute to success.
Author: - Find the right job for you
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